

For a full description of the available functionality, see the API Reference section.

The main binding of CLASS is available to users in the classylss.binding module. To start, we shall make the necessary imports and print out the classylss version and CLASS version:

In [1]: import classylss

In [2]: import classylss.binding as CLASS

In [3]: print("classylss version = ", classylss.__version__)
classylss version =  0.2.6

In [4]: print("CLASS version = ", classylss.class_version)
CLASS version =  2.6.1

Initializing the CLASS engine

Users must first initialize the CLASS engine, optionally passing in a dictionary of parameters. If no parameters are passed, the default CLASS parameters are used. This can be done using the classylss.binding.ClassEngine class as

In [5]: engine = CLASS.ClassEngine({'H0':70, 'Omega_m':0.31})

In [6]: default_engine = CLASS.ClassEngine() # default parameters

Loading parameters from file

Users can use the classylss.load_ini() function to load parameters from a CLASS .ini file into a dictionary. For example, we can load the concise.ini parameter file from the CLASS GitHub and use these parameters to initialize our ClassEngine:

In [7]: params = classylss.load_ini('concise.ini')

In [8]: print(params)
{'H0': '72.', 'omega_b': '0.0266691', 'omega_cdm': '0.110616', 'reio_parametrization': 'reio_camb', 'z_reio': '10.', 'output': 'tCl', 'A_s_ad': '2.3e-9', 'n_s_ad': '1.', 'l_scalar_max': '2500'}

In [9]: engine = CLASS.ClassEngine(params)

Loading precision parameters from file

We can also pass in precision parameters that have been loaded from file using the classylss.load_precision() function. For example, we can load the pk_ref.pre parameter file from the CLASS GitHub:

In [10]: pre_params = classylss.load_precision('pk_ref.pre')

In [11]: print(pre_params)
{'tol_ncdm_bg': 1e-10, 'recfast_Nz0': 100000, 'tol_thermo_integration': 1e-05, 'recfast_x_He0_trigger_delta': 0.01, 'recfast_x_H0_trigger_delta': 0.01, 'evolver': 0, 'k_min_tau0': 0.002, 'k_max_tau0_over_l_max': 3.0, 'k_step_sub': 0.015, 'k_step_super': 0.0001, 'k_step_super_reduction': 0.1, 'start_small_k_at_tau_c_over_tau_h': 0.0004, 'start_large_k_at_tau_h_over_tau_k': 0.05, 'tight_coupling_trigger_tau_c_over_tau_h': 0.005, 'tight_coupling_trigger_tau_c_over_tau_k': 0.008, 'start_sources_at_tau_c_over_tau_h': 0.006, 'l_max_g': 50, 'l_max_pol_g': 25, 'l_max_ur': 150, 'l_max_ncdm': 50, 'tol_perturb_integration': 1e-06, 'perturb_sampling_stepsize': 0.01, 'radiation_streaming_approximation': 2, 'radiation_streaming_trigger_tau_over_tau_k': 240.0, 'radiation_streaming_trigger_tau_c_over_tau': 100.0, 'ur_fluid_approximation': 2, 'ur_fluid_trigger_tau_over_tau_k': 50.0, 'ncdm_fluid_approximation': 3, 'ncdm_fluid_trigger_tau_over_tau_k': 51.0, 'tol_ncdm_synchronous': 1e-10, 'tol_ncdm_newtonian': 1e-10, 'l_logstep': 1.026, 'l_linstep': 25, 'hyper_sampling_flat': 12.0, 'hyper_sampling_curved_low_nu': 10.0, 'hyper_sampling_curved_high_nu': 10.0, 'hyper_nu_sampling_step': 10.0, 'hyper_phi_min_abs': 1e-10, 'hyper_x_tol': 0.0001, 'hyper_flat_approximation_nu': 1000000.0, 'q_linstep': 0.2, 'q_logstep_spline': 20.0, 'q_logstep_trapzd': 0.5, 'q_numstep_transition': 250, 'transfer_neglect_delta_k_S_t0': 100.0, 'transfer_neglect_delta_k_S_t1': 100.0, 'transfer_neglect_delta_k_S_t2': 100.0, 'transfer_neglect_delta_k_S_e': 100.0, 'transfer_neglect_delta_k_V_t1': 100.0, 'transfer_neglect_delta_k_V_t2': 100.0, 'transfer_neglect_delta_k_V_e': 100.0, 'transfer_neglect_delta_k_V_b': 100.0, 'transfer_neglect_delta_k_T_t2': 100.0, 'transfer_neglect_delta_k_T_e': 100.0, 'transfer_neglect_delta_k_T_b': 100.0, 'neglect_CMB_sources_below_visibility': 1e-30, 'transfer_neglect_late_source': 3000.0, 'l_switch_limber': 40.0, 'accurate_lensing': 1, 'num_mu_minus_lmax': 1000.0, 'delta_l_max': 1000.0}

# default cosmo params + precision params
In [12]: high_pre_engine = CLASS.ClassEngine(pre_params)

Using the main CLASS modules

The Background module

The background module in CLASS computes background cosmology quantities, e.g., distances, as a function of redshift. It also provides access to the parameters of the specified cosmological model. In classylss, the classylss.binding.Background object provides an interface to this module.

# initialize the background module
In [13]: bg = CLASS.Background(engine)

# print out some cosmological parameters
In [14]: print("h = ", bg.h)
h =  0.72

In [15]: print("Omega0_m = ", bg.Omega0_m)
Omega0_m =  0.2648246527777778

In [16]: print("Omega0_lambda = ", bg.Omega0_lambda)
Omega0_lambda =  0.735094642951158

In [17]: print("Omega0_r = ", bg.Omega0_r)
Omega0_r =  8.070427106422706e-05

In [18]: print("Omega0_k = ", bg.Omega0_k)
Omega0_k =  0.0


We can plot distances measures as a function of redshift using:

In [19]: import numpy as np

In [20]: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

In [21]: z = np.linspace(0., 2., 1024)

In [22]: plt.plot(z, bg.angular_diameter_distance(z), label=r"$D_A$")
Out[22]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f0c2c0630f0>]

In [23]: plt.plot(z, bg.comoving_distance(z), label=r"$D_C$")
Out[23]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f0c2c0639e8>]

In [24]: plt.plot(z, bg.luminosity_distance(z), label=r"$D_L$")
Out[24]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f0c2c063ef0>]

# save
In [25]: plt.legend()
Out[25]: <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f0c2c0639b0>

In [26]: plt.xlabel(r"$z$")
Out[26]: Text(0.5,0,'$z$')

In [27]: plt.ylabel(r"distance $[h^{-1} \mathrm{Mpc}]$")
Out[27]: Text(0,0.5,'distance $[h^{-1} \\mathrm{Mpc}]$')

Linear growth evolution

The linear growth factor and growth rate can be computed as:

In [28]: z = np.linspace(0., 2., 1024)

In [29]: plt.plot(z, bg.scale_independent_growth_factor(z), label=r"$D(z)$")
Out[29]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f0c22df41d0>]

In [30]: plt.plot(z, bg.scale_independent_growth_rate(z), label=r"$f(z)$")
Out[30]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f0c22e05ac8>]

# save
In [31]: plt.legend()
Out[31]: <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f0c22e05860>

In [32]: plt.xlabel(r"$z$")
Out[32]: Text(0.5,0,'$z$')

In [33]: plt.ylabel("growth factor/rate")
Out[33]: Text(0,0.5,'growth factor/rate')

Density parameter evolution

The density parameters \(\Omega\) can be computed as a function of redshift for various species:

In [34]: z = np.linspace(0., 2., 1024)

In [35]: plt.loglog(1+z, bg.Omega_m(z), label=r"$\Omega_m$")
Out[35]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f0c22dd0ba8>]

In [36]: plt.loglog(1+z, bg.Omega_r(z), label=r"$\Omega_r$")
Out[36]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f0c22cefd68>]

# save
In [37]: plt.legend()
Out[37]: <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f0c22dd01d0>

In [38]: plt.xlabel(r"$1+z$")
Out[38]: Text(0.5,0,'$1+z$')

In [39]: plt.ylabel("density parameter")
Out[39]: Text(0,0.5,'density parameter')

Setting a_max

Quantities in the background module can also be computed for \(a > 1\) by setting the a_max parameter. Below, we compute the same distance calculations up to \(a_\mathrm{max}=2\):

In [40]: a_max = 2.0

In [41]: cosmo = CLASS.ClassEngine({'a_max':a_max})

In [42]: bg = CLASS.Background(cosmo)

In [43]: z = np.linspace(1/a_max-1, 1, 1024)

In [44]: plt.plot(z, bg.angular_diameter_distance(z), label=r"$D_A$")
Out[44]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f0c22c48908>]

In [45]: plt.plot(z, bg.comoving_distance(z), label=r"$D_C$")
Out[45]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f0c22c48550>]

In [46]: plt.plot(z, bg.luminosity_distance(z), label=r"$D_L$")
Out[46]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f0c22c60e80>]

# save
In [47]: plt.legend()
Out[47]: <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f0c312e3b00>

In [48]: plt.xlabel(r"$z$")
Out[48]: Text(0.5,0,'$z$')

In [49]: plt.ylabel(r"distance $[h^{-1} \mathrm{Mpc}]$")
Out[49]: Text(0,0.5,'distance $[h^{-1} \\mathrm{Mpc}]$')

The Spectra module

The spectra module in CLASS computes linear density and velocity transfer functions, as well as the linear and nonlinear density power spectra. In classylss, the classylss.binding.Spectra object provides an interface to this module.

# initialize with proper output
In [50]: cosmo = CLASS.ClassEngine({'output': 'dTk vTk mPk', 'non linear': 'halofit', 'P_k_max_h/Mpc' : 20., "z_max_pk" : 100.0})

In [51]: sp = CLASS.Spectra(cosmo)

The linear and nonlinear power spectra

We can compute the nonlinear and linear power spectra at the desired redshifts and wavenumbers using:

In [52]: z = 0.5

In [53]: k = np.logspace(-2, 0, 100)

# nonlinear power
In [54]: pk_nl = sp.get_pk(k=k, z=z)

# linear power
In [55]: pk_lin = sp.get_pklin(k=k, z=z)

In [56]: plt.loglog(k, pk_nl, label='nonlinear')
Out[56]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f0c22c426a0>]

In [57]: plt.loglog(k, pk_lin, label='linear')
Out[57]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f0c22e9fb38>]

# save
In [58]: plt.legend()
Out[58]: <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f0c22df46a0>

In [59]: plt.xlabel(r"$k$ $[h\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}]$")
Out[59]: Text(0.5,0,'$k$ $[h\\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}]$')

In [60]: plt.ylabel(r"$P$ $[h^{-3} \mathrm{Mpc}^3]$")
Out[60]: Text(0,0.5,'$P$ $[h^{-3} \\mathrm{Mpc}^3]$')

The evolution of \(\sigma_8\)

The evolution of the perturbation amplitude \(\sigma_8\) can be computed using:

In [61]: z = np.linspace(0., 2., 1024)

In [62]: plt.plot(1 + z, sp.sigma8_z(z))
Out[62]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f0c22b732e8>]

# save
In [63]: plt.xlabel(r"$1+z$")
Out[63]: Text(0.5,0,'$1+z$')

In [64]: plt.ylabel(r"$\sigma_8(z)$")
Out[64]: Text(0,0.5,'$\\sigma_8(z)$')

Density and velocity transfers

We can compute the transfer functions in CLASS units for density, velocity and \(\phi\) in CLASS units, using get_transfer():

# transfer at z=0
In [65]: transfer = sp.get_transfer(z=0)

In [66]: print(transfer.dtype.names)
('k', 'd_g', 'd_b', 'd_cdm', 'd_ur', 'd_tot', 'phi', 'psi', 't_g', 't_b', 't_ur', 't_tot')

In [67]: plt.subplot(211)
Out[67]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f0c22b736a0>

In [68]: plt.plot(transfer['k'], transfer['d_tot'])
Out[68]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f0c229f65f8>]

In [69]: plt.ylabel("total density transfer")
Out[69]: Text(0,0.5,'total density transfer')

In [70]: plt.subplot(212)
Out[70]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f0c229f6588>

In [71]: plt.plot(transfer['k'], transfer['t_tot'])
Out[71]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f0c22a03c18>]

In [72]: plt.xlabel(r"$k$ $[h\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}]$")
Out[72]: Text(0.5,0,'$k$ $[h\\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}]$')

In [73]: plt.ylabel("total velocity transfer")
Out[73]: Text(0,0.5,'total velocity transfer')

The Thermo module

The thermo module in CLASS computes various quanitites related to the thermodynamic history of the Universe. In classylss, the classylss.binding.Thermo object provides access to several of the computed quantites, including:

In [74]: th = CLASS.Thermo(cosmo)

In [75]: print("drag redshift = ", th.z_drag)
drag redshift =  1059.171266059714

In [76]: print("sound horizon at z_drag = ", th.rs_drag)
sound horizon at z_drag =  99.56173576681323

In [77]: print("reionization optical depth = ", th.tau_reio)
reionization optical depth =  0.0924731289421695

In [78]: print("reionization redshift = ", th.z_reio)
reionization redshift =  11.357

In [79]: print("recombination redshift = ", th.z_rec)
recombination redshift =  1089.267450741219

In [80]: print("sound horizon at recombination = ", th.rs_rec)
sound horizon at recombination =  97.75078899757507

In [81]: print("sound horizon angle at recombination = ", th.theta_s)
sound horizon angle at recombination =  0.010421423808806578

The Primordial module

The primordial module in CLASS computes various quanitites related to the initial, primordial conditions of the Universe. In classylss, the classylss.binding.Primordial object provides access to the primordial power spectrum, which is defined as:

\[\mathcal{P_R}(k) = A_s \left (\frac{k}{k_0} \right )^{n_s - 1 + 0.5 \ln(k/k_0) (dn_s / d\ln k)}.\]

Below, we compute this quantity from the Primordial class, and compare to the above equation:

In [82]: sp = CLASS.Spectra(cosmo)

In [83]: pm = CLASS.Primordial(cosmo)

In [84]: k = np.logspace(-3, 0, 100)

In [85]: plt.loglog(k, pm.get_pk(k), label='from CLASS')
Out[85]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f0c229cc128>]

In [86]: plt.loglog(k, sp.A_s * (k / sp.k_pivot)**(sp.n_s-1), ls='--', c='k', label='analytic')
Out[86]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f0c229d0828>]

In [87]: plt.legend()
Out[87]: <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f0c229b4400>

In [88]: plt.xlabel(r"$k$ $[h\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}]$")
Out[88]: Text(0.5,0,'$k$ $[h\\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}]$')

In [89]: plt.ylabel("dimensionless power")
Out[89]: Text(0,0.5,'dimensionless power')